Project Activities Update – 3 Course Outlines

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    I. Case Study in Data Sciences:

    Three experiments, 3 techniques, 10 missing values to be found out..

    • Readings from five sensors (F1, F2, F3, F4F5) will be made available to you (for 100 different tests, in a csv file). The readings are not arranged according to any order. 
    • There are some records, though, where there are a few missing readings that are marked NA.
    • You should find out if there are any ideas that can be employed to rationally fill the missing values. Can you develop a data analytic approach to answer this question ?

    II. Course Outline for Networking Security:

    In this practical module, students are exposed to writing and executing networking code through three small programming micro-projects. Each student is assigned unique data sets to work on for their individual micro-projects, and their code is automatically evaluated by scripts that provides immediate feedback whether their code has correct functionality.

    The first micro-project introduces the packet, which is at the core of networking. Students have to use the Wireshark tool to examine packets generated during file transfer done through an ftp application which uses tcp/ip for transport over a (wired or wireless) ethernet connection. Students will report the values of some of the fields that are central to networking, such as source and destination IP address, source and destination MAC address etc.

    A large portion of networking code is implemented using socket programming. The second micro-project will help the student explore socket programming through simple client-server applications. This has two parts. In the first part, a simple TCP client is to be written. The server it will have to “talk” to will be running in the institute server, which can be used to verify the client written by students. The second part, would require the student to write a TCP server that responds to queries from a client. The client  will be provided to the students so that they can verify the server that they have written.

    The third micro-project will take the student to the world of UDP socket programming (with broadcast) and cryptography. It will demonstrate how a simple virtual currency application that uses a distributed ledger implemented using peer to peer programming through broadcasts and public key encryption. Students have to write an agent that will work with other given agents to receive coins from a bank, exchange coins with others based on common truth formed by consensus about the number of coins possessed by each agent (in the presence of potentially malicious agents).

    III. Case study in Signals systems and communications:

    Three Lab Assignments

    Goal of Assignment 1:

    To teach the simulation of the performance of basic digital communication system and compare it with theoretical performance learned in the course.

    Goal of Assignment 2:

    To understand the concept of matched filtering and RRC filtering.

    Goal of Assignment 3:

    To understand the effect of a channel filter and inter-symbol-interference.

    Source: QEEE